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Nedan visas aktioner som utförts i solidaritet med de tre kamraterna i urval, framförallt de som översatts till svenska eller engelska:


Attack mot inrikessenator Andy Grote (SPD)

Hamburg, 13 december 2019



För parkbänksgänget

För de som sårats och åtalats i Rondenbargprocessen

För oss

Strax efter åtta igår morse, den 13/12 2019, inväntande vi Hamburgs inrikessenator Andy Grote (SPD – Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) på Hein-Hoyer-straße i St. Pauli. När BMW-limousinen från senatens bilflotta (HH-XH572) som vanligt plockat upp honom från bostaden på Wohlwillstraße 30:s bakgård och passerade oss träffades den av färgflaskor. Grote brukar sitta i passagerarsätet.

Han förkastade under gårdagen attacken på twitter genom att kalla den ynklig, då han påstår att hans tvååriga son var med i bilen. Grote hade inga svårigheter att sprida skamlösa lögner. En av dem var att han påstod sig regelbundet lämna sin son på förskolan om morgnarna. Vi, han och hans livvakter vet mycket väl att att det är riktigt skitsnack. Om barnet faktiskt befann sig i bilen igår, då var det ett sällsynt undantag och och en tragisk tillfällighet. Attacken var självklart inte riktad mot barnet!

Den andra lögnen, att han ”alltid räknar med den här typen av attacker”, är precis lika mycket skitsnack. Han hade inte räknat med ett skit! Igår såg hans ansikte åtminstone mer vettskrämt ut när han fick syn på oss. Det som är ynkligt är att Grote med lättgenomskådliga och plumpa lögner försöker flytta strålkastaren bort från det som attacken egentligen handlar om.


Vår attack understryker att den militanta kampen i Hamburg inte på långa vägar är över efter gripandet av de tre från parkbänken i juli 2019 och att frihetens fiender, som Andy Grote, fortsatt befinner sig i våra sikten och deras verk och liv iakttas fortsatt mycket noggrant.

Förföljelseyndigheterna må ha fått upp ett par vilda fåglar på radarn men de stora flockarna flyger vidare och kommer i framtiden att fortsätta skita dem på huvudet och vid en given tidpunkt ”vända gevären – det kommer att löna sig” [övers.anm. citat från Bertolt Brechts – Resolution der Kommunarden]. Vi fångar upp impulsen hos kamraterna, som i oktober tände en eld framför senatkanslichefens hem, för att trakassera Hamburgs senattoppar.


Grote har i egenskap av SPD:s stadsdelsutvecklingsexpert, stadsdelschef i Hamburg Mitte och inrikessenator företagit sig en hel del de sista åren för att försämra livet för de som bor i hans älskade St. Pauli, för de som inte längre har mycket att förlora. Hemlösa och People of Color jagas av Grotes polis, trakasseras, drivs ut och fängslas. St. Pauli blev en hotspot för mäklarhajar och samarbetet med mäklarfirman Köhler/von Bargen lär ha varit lönsamt för Grotes bakgårdsidyll. För hans säkerhet kamera övervakas en del av Wohlwillstraße, polisbilar kör skyddsronder, civilsnutar slår dank framför dörren och en massiv port ser till att inte G20-liknande situationer upprepas och ilsket folk lyckas få direktkontakt med inrikessenatorn. När han någon gång får tid över går han gärna på ”sitt lags” matcher, St. Pauli; givetvis med frikort som skänkts från klubben. Hans närvaro i stadion gillas dock inte av alla fans. I oktober 2019 förhindrades en planerad diskussionskväll med Grote vid stadion.


Repressiva milstolpar kantar Grotes inrikessenatorväg.

– tusentals rasistiska kontroller i den så kallade ”bekämpningen av drogkriminalitet.” 2016 dör Jajee Diabi, en av de som gripits i en av dessa kontroller, 21 år gammal i fängelset Hahnöfersand.

– inrättandet av ett flygplatsfängelse för att bättre kunna genomföra utvisningar

– planerandet av ett nytt utvisningsfängelse i Glückstadt

– den nya hamburgska polislagen

– hundratals misshandlar och frihetsberövanden under 2017 och G20:s undantagstillstånd

– en offentlig jakt efter G20 utan motstycke, med foton på misstänkta, och detta efter de katastrofala snutinsatserna.

I praktiken förlitar sig Grote på välbeprövade repressionsutövare som MEK-chefen Meyer (numera länspolismästare), Voss (numera chef för Författningsskyddet), Ferk (numera insatsledare för Hamburgs samtliga polismyndigheter) eller Klein (numera chef för ”organiserad brottslighet”). Vid deras sida står den fruktansvärda Dudde och notoriskt straffkåta domare som Krieten och Tully.

Grote har redan meddelat pressen att han gärna skulle vilja fortsätta som inrikessenator i en ny Hamburg-regering.

Bara till Andy, vi syns på gatan.

Frihet för de två från parkbänken och Loic.

13.12.19 – all cops are bullshit

Angry Birds

(Översatt från

Attack mot snutsstation i Volksdorf, Hamburg

Hamburg, 9 oktober 2019

Natten mellan den 8:e och 9:e oktober attackerades en snutstation i stadsdelen Volksdorf i Hamburg och flera rutor slogs in. Attacken genomfördes i solidaritet med de tre från parkbänken och den fängslade kamraten Loic.


SPIE Vehicle Torched


Hamburg, 4th september 2019

Undoubtedly, the spaces in which we can move freely sometimes become narrower:
In Hamburg, where the special commissions announce in the media the alleged success of their surveillance teams, their video analyses, DNA sniffing and informer hotlines – everything to re-establish the illusion of their security that they lost in the Summer of 2017.

In Berlin, where every space is supposedly a terror nest, where people take their lives into their own hands instead of entrusting it to investors and real estate companies. Where the media present their puppet Interior Senator who hides his civil war army more democratically than his predecessor.

In Athens, where a fascist government finally wants to implement the purges that its EU and NATO partners have waited so long for. So that the city will become another paradise for investors and tourists. Like some districts in Hamburg, like some districts in Berlin and like every place where the modern form of capitalism eats through districts that are not yet as boring as the exclusive residences as the elites.

To secure its rule, the state relies on corporations to do their dirty work. But the fiery serpent of the anarchist revolt eats its way through these controversial territories on the trail of these companies, destroying whatever it finds.

On the night of September 4th, 2019, we destroyed with fire a vehicle belonging to the infamous prison profiteers SPIE in Hamburg-Wandsbeck.

This small gesture of solidarity goes to the Park Bench 3, to the people who defend Exarcheia against the attacks by the cops and to all who want to make the expected evictions in Berlin a disaster for the government there.

Autonomous Group for the Fight Against Security Companies and Prison Profiteeers

Arson Attack Against a Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) Coach


Bremen, 5th september 2019

Nocturnal disarmament in the centre of Bremen!

We know that the only thing stronger than the urge for freedom is hatred against those who take our comrades from us.

Bremen Central Station has been upgraded with 52 high quality surveillance cameras and a big new cop station. People who don’t fit into the clean image of consumers and commuters are harassed, criminalized and repressed by the police. Also under red-green-red* the cop presence continues to increase.

This development is no coincidence. We are supposed to get used to the supposed strength of the state regulatory power and the sight of heavily armed and well-equipped cops. We are supposed to perceive the presence of uniforms, be they Public Order Office, Property Protection, cops or soldiers as something normal. As normal as the advertising for the murderers and fascists of the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) that surrounds us every day. We should give the cop a lot of space in our head for the greatest possible control and discipline of our lives.

Your normality kills!

It is important to combat this normality from authorities that causes guilt and fear, from uniforms that require anticipatory obedience, from monsters of technology that become independent and lead to permanent (self-)surveillance. This normality is opposed to a self-determined life, the construction of collective structures and non-commercial projects.

The Bundeswehr is part of this authoritarian, patriarchal, killing, bullshit normality. That’s why we set fire to a Bundeswehr coach at the main railway station on the night of the 4th-5th of September, 2019.

This smoke signal is for those who are imprisoned. Solidarity greetings to:

The Park Bench 3, the Autobahn 3, the comrade Loic, the Basel 18, the comrades in Zurich, Andreas Krebs, Lisa…

We think of you and continue our common struggles.

Translation Note:
*Refers to German State political coalitions of Social Democratic and Green parties.

Luxury Car Dealership Attacked

Frankfurt on the Main (Frankfurt am Main), 26th august 2019

Our targeted action was a transgression of the law – therefore we did not publicly announce it. We place ourselves within the tradition of militant social movements. Like the movement that fought for nuclear phase-out against the once powerful nuclear industry. Like the one in Hambach Forest that is trying to push through the coal phase-out today. Or those who fought for years here at Frankfurt Airport against the commissioning and construction of the West Runway. Social movements need the breaking of rules, disobedience and even militancy. Only in this way will it be possible to share our perspective and demands against those in power and the majority of society, make them clear and implement them. Militancy is necessary and legitimate.

In two week’s time, the propaganda event known as the International Motor Show (IAA) will once again begin in Frankfurt, where the main climate damaging and environmentally destructive transport system of yesterday will be hyped and exhibited.

We support and show solidarity with the activists who want to blockade the IAA (even if that solidarity may not be reciprocal). Quite rightly, their call for action states: “At the IAA in Frankfurt, the German car sales ministry and the heads of VW, Daimler, BMW & Co. will celebrate themselves and their metal boxes. No wonder: The automobile industry is one of the most powerful factions of the German economy and forms the foundation of the German export model – with devastating ecological, social and economic consequences worldwide”. We also want to expose this show for what it really is: a logic of profit built on the backs of the poorest and future generations. We think it is high time to throw stones into the gears of the car industry and the capitalist profit logic as a whole!

Capitalism is racing full throttle into global warming with unforseeable consequences. While the traffic turnaround should have been in full swing long ago, the car industry is selling its flashy sleds to the apparent winners of the capitalist economic system. The bigger the climate crisis becomes, the bigger the social gap widens and the bigger and more monstrous the cars of the upper class become. Completely detached from their utility value, they serve as status symbols. They are supposed to symbolize: “I always hold the pole position in the capitalist struggle for survival. I am stronger than you and I will flatten you with my urban tank. Today I only think of myself and my family and I don’t give a shit how tomorrow will turn out”.

We say: Enough! Nobody needs to drive luxury cars!

Look for some other status symbols to make you feel good about yourself!

And because appeals are useless, because it has been communicated openly 1000s of times to everyone about how destructive car technology is, yet millions remain fascinated by it and can hardly imagine anything more beautiful than driving a Jaguar, a Land Rover or an Aston Martin at least once in their lives, it is time to make the facts visible! It is time to start disposing of these dirty machines with slingshots! That’s why we met with some sensible people in the early morning hours of August 26th, 2019. In Kronberg we destroyed the entrance area of Jaguar Germany, Land Rover and Aston Martin and tried to destroy as many luxury cars as possible. We managed to destroy at least 40.

Not only is a moving car a catastrophe, so is the production of it, both ecologically and socially.

We also place our action within the context of the struggle for livable cities based on concepts of solidarity. Today’s Land Rovers do not drive off-road, but in the overcrowded confines of the cities. Where it has become chic for the rich urban upper classes to live, where rents are rising, where established neighborhoods are being destroyed and where low-income earners are being pushed to the outskirts of the cities. We say: A city for all instead of a city for the rich.

Everything has been said. Everybody knows. Everybody needs to decide. It is time to act.

We call for participation in the action days, the demonstration and the blockades of the IAA on the 14th and 15th of September.

We call for solidarity with the local Fridays for Future student mobilizations and the Global Climate Strike.

We call for action against the capitalist insanity of ecological and social destruction. We address this in particular to the possible critics of our action.

We send solidarity greetings to the activists in the Basque Country who are protesting against the propaganda show known as the G7 Summit, where the centralized system of climate damaging and environmentally destructive government is being hyped since since it began yesterday.

We send solidarity greetings to all prisoners and victims of the repression during and after the G20 Summit in Hamburg, especially Loic and the Park Bench 3.

We send solidarity greetings to all those who oppose gentrification and repression, especially the Liebig 34 in Berlin.

We send solidarity greetings from Kronberg to Lisa who is still in prison!

Stones in the Gearbox


Prison Construction Site Sabotaged


Zwickau, 19th agust 2019

On Monday night, we set fire to several construction vehicles on the grounds of the Zwickau Marienthal Prison construction site. An excavator was burned out completely, the other four excavators and a front end loader were damaged by our fire and made partially unusable. We would like to dedicate this action especially to Loic, the Park Bench 3 and the Basel 18. They are missing from our side.

In Zwickau-Marienthal, construction work on a joint new prison complex for the states of Saxony and Thuringia began recently. At the beginning of 2020, a 6 meter high wall will surround the 10ha area. The concrete complex, which is to be completed by 2024, will then hold 820 people within its walls. In its workshops more than two-thirds of the prisoners will be forced to work.
One of the contractors and profiteers of this major project in Zwickau is the company Hentschke Bau GmbH from Bautzen. The Reichsbürger (name for followers of a reactionary movement in Germany that believes in the ‘German Empire’) and owner Jörg Drews, donated 19500 euros to the AfD (far-right political party Alternative for Deutschland) in 2017, making him one of the party’s single largest donors during this election campaign. Also, Drews attends Identitarian Movement events and demonstrations, organizes far-right events on behalf of his company, is a member of “We are Deutschland” from Bautzen and supports the far-right magazine “Denkste Mit?”. It is not especially surprising that fascists like Drews support the construction of prisons and can still line their pockets with money.
The beginning of construction of the Zwickau-Marienthal Prison is only a few months behind the opening of the new Saxon Deportation Prison in Dresden and the extension of Leipzig Prison. Despite its planned size, the enemies of freedom are still crying out for more prisons and so an additional building is already being discussed in Thuringia. Furthermore, more prisons are being erected everywhere, such as the planned deportation prison in Glücksstadt in Schleswig Holstein, the Rottweil prison in Baden Württemberg, the Billwerder youth prison in Hamburg, the Klagenfurth prison in Austria and the Bässlergut II deportation prison in Basel.

Prison is one of the institutions that very clearly shows us the absurdity of our society. The value of property is placed above all, even above that of a human being. The Statistics Office of the European Union lists crimes as “acts which harm or are intended to harm a person, acts of sexual violence and acts of violence against property” in one and the same classification. A huge number of prisoners are sentenced for property offences. Approximately 30 to 40 percent of prisoners serve alternative terms of imprisonment for being unable to pay fines imposed upon them. Even people who have fallen into poverty in old age are not protected from having to go to prison at the age of 70 for fare evasion. Sadly, we see this again and again in the newspapers. The society that we live in causes poverty and divides us between above and below. Attempting to escape from poverty ends for many with exclusion from society. It is a tool of the powerful to keep us in check. While some earn millions by exploiting people and the environment or speculating on food and housing, others are called criminals for expropriating what capitalist society denies them.

In order to maintain this world of oppression and exploitation, the State needs the opportunity to rid itself of those who rebel against its injustices. Repression is directed against those who escape from the system, who seek alternative ways of living and survival, who escape control and oppression, or who rebel against it. When surveillance and control are no longer effective, the end result is deprivation of liberty, isolation from society, along with physical and psychological violence.
Our society supports, demands and encourages this perversion. We live in a world in which the profits of the few determines our lives and autonomy is constantly criminalized. In such a world, nobody is free.

The responsibility for the mass imprisonment of people lies with the assertion that this will reintegrate them into society. They claim that they are trying to reintegrate them into society. The true function of the prison system, however, is ultimately to break the individuals who have lost their way and rob them of their autonomy. Their willpower, which opposes capitalist normality, is to be destroyed. In doing so, the prison resorts to various repressive and “non” repressive measures. In open detention, with day leaves, parole and a more humane facility and freedom of movement, one is permanently under the threat of being imprisoned if one does not behave in a conforming manner. In closed detention, benefits are granted which are withdrawn in the event of bad behavior. For particularly rebellious individuals, there is isolation – 23 hours alone in a cell and a 1 hour courtyard walk. In addition, a contact ban can be imposed, so you have to do your walk alone. This total isolation is aimed to physically and psychologically destroy the individual. If one does not submit fully, indefinite detention for safety reasons can be imposed, like what happened to our comrade Thomas Meyer-Falk.

To speak of socialization in the context of captivity is pure farce, considering the isolation in which the prisoners find themselves. The violence of the State against human beings is more direct than in any other form of domination. In total heteronomy, decisions about obedience or rebellion must be made in a matter of seconds. Rebelling is punished immediately. The deprivation of liberty is no more and no less than an absolute necessity for the preservation of power.

For us, when we fight against prisons, it means always fighting against the cruel reality that imprisons us every day, even in the outside world. It means to fight for an autonomous and domination-free life, to tackle every authority and oppression and to attack all structures, institutions and mechanisms that maintain them. These include not only institutional and social structures and constructs, such as States and corporations, religions and the logic of exploitation or racism and existing gender relations, but also interpersonal approaches based on greed, envy and competition.

We see this attack as a contribution to the upcoming International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners. Our hearts are always with those who have to sit behind the walls of our enemies and with those who have to flee their environment because they are doing everything to get their greedy hands onto them.

Burning hearts cannot be imprisoned!

Freedom for all prisoners!


Autonomous Commando Thomas Meyer-Falk

Communications Tower set on Fire

2. August 2019

The rulers have the power to separate us, to interrupt our communications, to isolate us and to block us. An army of cops, prosecutors and judges are always ready to rob us of our freedom. This happened recently in Hamburg, when three comrades were taken to the police station after a night time police surveillance operation and two of them have remained in custody since then.

But what is this freedom that we have? In a world where technological devices are with us all day. Facebook, Instagram and tons of other smartphone apps give us the illusion that continuous sending is a prerequisite for social participation. Where every emotion, message and action becomes a commodity to be exploited. Where algorithms and artificial intelligence determine our needs and clicks and likes define our personalities.

Haven’t we all become like prisoners, doomed to take our place in the technological web that stretches around us?

While it might be walls that separate us from the people in prison, it is the communications towers, fiber optic cables, chips and sensors that prevent us from really interacting with each other. Therefore we should do everything we can to destroy these technological prisons.

As a small contribution to this, we set fire to a communications tower in the Buschkrugallee in Neukölln on August 2nd using incendiary devices. With this action we were able to interrupt their communications and sabotage the flow of goods and data that keeps capitalist rule operating and makes their technological insanity possible.

Our burning hearts are with the Park Bench 3 and Loïc in Hamburg as well as the anarchists from Switzerland, who are sitting in prison or are on the run because of a torched communications tower. You are not alone!

Fire and flames to the prison society!

Freedom for all prisoners!


Two Telekom Vehicles Torched

31. Juli 2019

The fire in our hearts continues to burn – and at Telekom too – solidarity with the Park Bench 3

Last night, we set two Telekom company cars on fire. Our motivation was the arrests of three of our comrades and the imprisonment of two of them. Once again, the State protectors have taken friends from our ranks and this angers us. But for the comrades and for us, the struggle continues. From moments of repression, we can also emerge stronger if we take the rights steps together. So we see our contribution as a step towards an offensive strategy against repression and we hope to strengthen our comrades inside and outside prison. But this message of burning solidarity is not only just for them. It is also for all prisoners of the social war. The counterinsurgency will not get us down!

Elsewhere, comrades already explained the machinations of Telekom against the oppressed, after sabotaging six Deutsche Telekom cars, a Deutsche Bahn fleet and a Vodafone radio antenna in June 2018 (

“Telekom is the largest telecommunications company in Europe and operates technical networks for telephone, mobile, data transfer and online services. In addition to Germany, the company has subsidiaries in 14 other European countries where it is involved in mobile and fixed network providers. With its internationally operating subsidiary T-Systems, the group is one of the world’s leading providers of information and communication technology, aimed at large-scale customers, the financial sector, the energy sector and public administration and security.

For police, military and other security authorities, T-Systems offers comprehensive solutions and information technology. Under the title ‘PLX’, Deutsche Telekom is developing, among other things, an information and search system for the police, in which all relevant reporting processes, such as facial recognition services, detention data, criminal record evidence etc are integrated. In this way, all processes in the handling of transactions, from initial registration to submission of the proceedings to the judiciary, are to be supported.

In addition, T-Systems offers technology for an ‘Interactive Patrol Car Radio (IfuStw)’. A mobile police workplace with multifunction PCs in the vehicle, which enables full integration into the existing police infra and communication structure. These links are designed to reduce reaction and intervention times while facilitating evidence-securing documentation via video capture.”

Fire to the prisons, their profiteers and the repressive authorities!

Freedom for all prisoners!



Set fire to two police cars and the police-station main entrance

28. Juli 2019

On Sunday night we attacked the pig station in Schwachhausen in the Bürgerpark to show solidarity with the comrades from Hamburg.

We destroyed two police cars and set fire to the main entrance with 10 liters of petrol.

Our thoughts and hearts are glowing for you. We send love and strength.

Fire and Flames Against Repression



Telekom car set on fire

25. Juli 2019

We send love and strength to all the rebellious minds of this world, whose messages, like those in very distant places, who fight against authority and domination, reach us like the greetings of friends.

Our greetings are also filled with hatred for the pigs of the prosecuting authorities, who are constantly trying to prevent us from moving forward by threatening and implementing prison.

These flames were for you, the Park Bench 3.

A brief shiver rand down our spine reading the media reports, as any other group of nocturnal activists could have met the same fate.

The allegations of having planned offenses in connection with the second anniversary of the G20 Summit in Hamburg in 2017 and the corresponding arrests seems to be eating away at the authorities. But the response of the main characters remains restrained. One year ago, they loudly threatened to break up all networked small groups throughout Europe who were responsible for the violent riots. Even though harsh judgements were read in the courts, they now suspect that they have come no closer to this goal, with very few arrests despite their technological tools.

For us, it does not matter what the rulers think they can judge. What should the categories of guilt or innocence cause us to do other than a resigned smile about the propaganda of the state?

A crime is an illegal act for us. That means an act that you are not allowed to do and that you should not even think about within the boundaries of a state. To go beyond this logic, to steal food or to fill up with fuel without paying is part of our everyday life, a way in which we learn to escape this propaganda bit by bit.

What we do is take the pain of the arrest of our comrades as an opportunity to raise awareness of our ongoing struggles:

“Let’s throw everything that stands in the way of a revolutionary utopia onto the rubbish heap of history.” (Hamburg, September 7, 2016: Attack Against COSCO with Smoke, Stones and Paint).

In one of the first calls for militant coordination in the attack against the G20 Summit, Deutsche Telekom found a place as a global player of repression and exploitation. A few month later, in November 2016, this infamy led to the destruction of part of a Telekom fleet in Berlin.

Yesterday another Telekom car was handed over to the flames in Berlin.

For more direct attacks against the sexist, racist and authoritarian social norms!

Our burning hearts overcome the walls!

Love and strength to the imprisoned comrades in Hamburg!
